Friday, March 22, 2013
Eli says -Spot the Opportunity and Look for the Green
How Do You Spot Opportunity?
A huge part of building your business or finding a great job is spotting what is a great opportunity. Why do some people seem to have great luck and others struggle? One component is the “Perceptive Filter.” You will get so much more out of this by participating instead of just reading. Here goes.
Spot the Red
Right now look around the room. Take out a piece of paper and tally up all the red you see. Got it? There was quite a bit wasn’t there. Now, spot the green. Look all over the room and tally up how many green items you see. Notice that there were green items that seemed to magically appear? They were there when you were focused on the red, you just didn’t see them.
The Point Is?
Now, you have an experience of your Perceptive Filter. There is more data around us than our brain can effectively sort. So, the brain has a “Perceptive Filter” to show you what you focus on. Red equals all the negative information of why you can’t get a job, the economy is horrible, it will be impossible for you to get into the media, etc. Green equals the great opportunities that are there for you. Think of them like the traffic lights. The red light says stop and green light calls you to go for what you want.
Do this on a daily basis and observe how you spot opportunity that seemed to be hidden.
Be sure to hold a laser focus of only looking for the green .
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Khrys Vaughan "Empowering Women for Impact"
“Well-behaved women seldom make history” – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
“As a man thinketh, so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7
“Be the change you wish to see.” - Mahatma Ghandi
We kicked off Women’s History Month this year with a panel on International Women’s Day. It was titled Awareness to Action and was amazing to hear panelists from diverse backgrounds engage women, encourage them to move beyond ‘like’ and ‘follow’, and share how they became activists by accident. Of the reasons cited – seeing a need, being caught in a certain situation, and frustration over it not being addressed – it was the feeling, at times overwhelming, to “be the change they wished to see” that caused them to use what they had at hand and prompted them to action.
What’s in your hand is enough too! Our panelists were not household names (yet), but their spheres of influence increased as each took action in her own way. The world is ready for women to realize they are great in their own right, and have tremendous capacity to impact the world around them. Gracing a magazine cover is nice (very), but not a requirement. And examples of every day women embracing and carrying out this ability are not only inspiring, but give others the confidence necessary to define success on their own terms, and proof that there is no such thing as being too insignificant to effect change.
Sisterhood is a part of it, but this is more about building the dialog that has been missing amongst ourselves. It is hard to impact issues when solutions are based on biases, smoke screens, and agendas. Why not hear the truth of a matter from each other, and rid ourselves of the weight perceptions carry - both inwards toward ourselves and outward toward others? Freeing us to build relationships leading to solutions.
History has provided plenty examples of what happens when we are excluded from conversations concerning us, or allow someone else to write our history. It is said that “All it takes for evil to triumph is for good (wo)men to do nothing.” (Edmund Burke). Women have always been part of the equation. We are also part of the solution. That brings to mind another quote - “Women are half the world. Their impact should be the same.” That one is by yours truly. How about it?
Khrys Vaughan, PMP, SCSP
Her Network
“As a man thinketh, so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7
“Be the change you wish to see.” - Mahatma Ghandi
We kicked off Women’s History Month this year with a panel on International Women’s Day. It was titled Awareness to Action and was amazing to hear panelists from diverse backgrounds engage women, encourage them to move beyond ‘like’ and ‘follow’, and share how they became activists by accident. Of the reasons cited – seeing a need, being caught in a certain situation, and frustration over it not being addressed – it was the feeling, at times overwhelming, to “be the change they wished to see” that caused them to use what they had at hand and prompted them to action.
What’s in your hand is enough too! Our panelists were not household names (yet), but their spheres of influence increased as each took action in her own way. The world is ready for women to realize they are great in their own right, and have tremendous capacity to impact the world around them. Gracing a magazine cover is nice (very), but not a requirement. And examples of every day women embracing and carrying out this ability are not only inspiring, but give others the confidence necessary to define success on their own terms, and proof that there is no such thing as being too insignificant to effect change.
Sisterhood is a part of it, but this is more about building the dialog that has been missing amongst ourselves. It is hard to impact issues when solutions are based on biases, smoke screens, and agendas. Why not hear the truth of a matter from each other, and rid ourselves of the weight perceptions carry - both inwards toward ourselves and outward toward others? Freeing us to build relationships leading to solutions.
History has provided plenty examples of what happens when we are excluded from conversations concerning us, or allow someone else to write our history. It is said that “All it takes for evil to triumph is for good (wo)men to do nothing.” (Edmund Burke). Women have always been part of the equation. We are also part of the solution. That brings to mind another quote - “Women are half the world. Their impact should be the same.” That one is by yours truly. How about it?
Khrys Vaughan, PMP, SCSP
Her Network
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Tereson Dupuy "Mother of Invention"

Tereson: The Mother of the Modern Cloth Diaper
Tereson has been credited with revolutionizing the cloth diaper industry and is often referred to as "The Mother of the Modern Cloth Diaper." She founded FuzziBunz in 2000 after she came up with an award-winning formula for what a modern cloth diaper should be like. She did away with pins that poke, vinyl pants that crunch and soggy diapers that took forever to wash at home. Instead, she created a sophisticated and modern cloth diaper, now known as FuzziBunz, that was soft, easy-to-use, eliminated chemicals and diaper rash, were functional and oh-so-cute too!
Tereson holds a patent and has two patents still pending for her invention and continues to lead the cloth diapering movement through continued development of innovative products for children and moms.
Tereson: The Business Inspirer
In 2012, Tereson decided it was time to not only share her love of cloth diapers, but also her passion for business. She created as a platform to help other entrepreneurs learn how they can be successful in business through her lessons of perseverance, patience, pride and passion – the 4Ps that have propelled her to grow a multi-million dollar company that initially started with a $5 investment.
" is a resource for budding entrepreneurs who want to learn and be inspired by Tereson in entrepreneurship, leadership, advocacy and life."
Tereson not only has grown her business literally from the ground up, but also she is credited with sparking the entire modern cloth diapering movement that resulted in hundreds of cloth diaper manufactures and "wahm" or "work at home mom" retailers making and selling modern cloth diapers similar to FuzziBunz. Her vision changed the face of cloth diapers and gave many other entrepreneurs a means to start businesses and make money!
She wants to continue to help people live their dreams of entrepreneurship and hopes her efforts will inspire others
Tereson Dupuy, CEO
FuzziBunz Diapers, LLC
(337) 371-9394
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Gayle Naftaly asks: Are you extremely powerful, smart, want to educate, shout out and be heard?
Are you extremely powerful, smart, want to educate, shout out and be heard?
I am looking for extremely powerful and smart women who want to educate, shout out and be heard.Tips from various industries and sectors will be shared monthly, although Gayle's List goes out weekly.One paragraph is needed monthly from the area of your expertise and as a featured contributor, this will also include your photo, logo, being part of my blog and links you chose to include
Gayle's List goes out to over 6000 contacts, made up of women in business, men in business, chambers of commerce, associations, organizations, media, and politicians, not for profits, women's organizations and more.Although our majority is NY, NJ and Connecticut, many of our women's groups and organizations are in many states, including Colorado, Texas, California, Missouri, Wisconsin and beyond. We are connected to all social media platforms and Gayle's List is shared among many of our readers through their social media programs. I am not opening this up to just anyone, I am particular as to the power of the message and I want to make a difference in the world.
Do you have much to contribute? If so, you will a part of this marketing campaign and attention will be directed to your mission.
Please contact me for eligibility. If accepted for this campaign, the details are noted below:
The cost to be a featured contributor is broken down accordingly:
Please submit one paragraph per month, submitted up to three days before the 1st of every month. It will run 12 times during the year with a new submission from you monthly, 12 submissions in total. No editing will take place from my end, but it will be enhanced and be placed in the Featured Contributor section.
$1500 a year = $31.25 per run
If you pay via PayPal or credit card in full up front, the fee is discounted to $1250.00, $26.04 a run.
If you pay monthly, the $125.00 is billed at the $31.25 per run rate.
Gayle's List is part of a broader marketing campaign as I launch shortly. Attention will be brought to all who are part of this program and it's an extremely cost effective way to get your message out.
Are you extremely powerful, smart, want to educate, shout out and be heard? - I would love to hear from you!
Gayle Naftaly
Sharlene Jamison - What If?
Sharlene Jamison - "What If"? Contributor
Most unexpected events take place....of course when we don't expect it....
What if you became the only source of income in your household because you lost your spouse and your living expenses greatly exceeded your income.
Do you have a plan in place that can help you maintain your standard of living?
Are you prepared for life's WHAT IF moments?
Preparing a plan can prepare you for the possible pitfalls that may affect your entire living standard.
Scenario #1
The Cost of Procrastination....The story of Dick and Jane
Looking at Dick and Jane’s lifestyle it appeared they had a model life always entertaining, lavish cars, a beautiful home and well groomed children. Like many families they had a lot of debt. Jane was concerned about the What If in life....They Understood the need for a financial plan. However, they kept putting it off until they felt finances would get better...that's when the unexpected took place. Dick, who was the primary source of income, was killed in a car accident. He died leaving her to raise two young children with no additional life insurance to protect his income and cover their debt.
Like most, he didn't consider that when he left home to go to work that day, he wouldn't return. When, Jane received the phone call informing her that her husband Dick died in a car accident. The reality of her life unfolded.
Jane gave up her career as an attorney years ago, but began working part time over the last 5 years, while raising small children. Dick handled all the monthly living expenses since Jane had no prior experience managing money. Her family lifestyle was in for a drastic change. Jane and the children were left with a big mortgage balance, high end vehicles, substantial credit card debt, and unfulfilled college dreams. Her husband left her with a small company retirement plan and a small amount of life insurance coverage from his job.
That was it. Only a fraction of their lifestyle was covered.
Financial Concerns…..
What should Jane do?
The WHAT IF has taken place in her life.
What will Jane do to pay for her husband’s funeral, manage her substantial mortgage payments, and manage her debit?
How will Jane fulfill their dreams of sending their young children to college?
How will Jane pick up the pieces of her life? Will she be able to maintain the lifestyle she and her husband created?
WHAT IF that happened to you...After all IF is the center of LIFE.
Sharlene Jamison, Financial Consultant, offers securities through
Cadaret Grant & Co, Member FINRA/SIPC, and is affiliated with The Meridian
Financial Company,
The Meridian Financial Company
"Navigating The Future"
90 Lawrence Ave, Smithtown, NY, 11787
T-631-656-8198 - C- 917-670-5994
Lydia Sugarman "You Really Don’t Have To Be Everywhere"
You Really Don’t Have To Be Everywhere.
Lydia Sugarman - "Relationship Strategy” Contributor
One goal that has remained constant is capturing valid email addresses and building a list of people who might want to stay up-to-date on what you’re doing, selling, thinking, whatever.
Whenever anyone asked for advice about successful email marketing strategies, I would inevitably start talking about website design. This was met with everything from impatience to boredom to real confusion. After all, we’re talking about email marketing, aren’t we?
Well, yes, but…I’ll circle back around in a moment….
Today, we are confronted with myriad social media outlets. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, LinkedIn, YouTube, Vimeo, Slideshare, Vine, MySpace, HuffPost and tons of other blogs large and small where we can comment. Yes, attributed comments are part of the social media universe. And, of course, email marketing is still the 800-pound gorilla of social marketing. In case you haven’t seen it, Brian Solis’ The Conversation Prism is a great graphic illustration of our choices -
Pure overwhelm is a natural response. How do we integrate yet more into already over-committed work schedules? Easy.
What are the goals for your marketing? What is your business? Who is your audience? Where do they hang out? What do you want them to do when you reach them?
Not every business has to be everywhere to reach its audience. It just has to be where the audience is. Twitter may not be a good investment of time and effort, but Pinterest and Facebook are. If yours is a B-to-B venture, then LinkedIn is a must. If you’re B-to-C, you need to be visible and vocal where your consumers are.
Ultimately, the goal is to drive people to your website, get them to give you their email address, download something, buy something, and subscribe to something.
See, I told you we’d come back to your website! Good design, intuitive navigation, quality content, and strong calls-to-action will deliver results for all the hard work you invest in your strategic marketing and a website that delivers.
So, take some time to reflect on your audience really is and then, go engage in a conversation with them. Entice them to visit your website, get that email address. Then, respect that with an informative and entertaining email strategy.
You really don’t have to be everywhere, you just have to be where your audience is!
Lydia Sugarman, President
Maureen Berkner Boyt - Book 1 - Chapter 1 Own It, Create It – Book 1 – 5 Secrets of Women Who Have Made it to the Top
Maureen Berkner Boyt, founder of The Moxie Exchange Movement in Fort Collins, Colorado, will be sharing ideas from her books highlighting steps and systems used by successful female leaders she’s interviewed from around the country.
Maureen Berkner Boyt, Founder, " Rock Your Moxie Contributor "
1. Create a list of your strengths, abilities and successes. Keep it in a handy place in an easily updateable format. Review it and add to it quarterly.
2. Ask five people to share what they believe your professional and leadership strengths are. Do not ask your parents! You won’t believe them, because you’ll think they’re inherently biased, which they should be. If they are not, you shouldn’t want to know what they think anyway! The five should include a mix of people in your world, such as a boss/former boss, co-worker, employee or direct report, good friend and your partner. Write down their responses and add them to your own list
3. Get a group of 5-6 kick butt professional women together. Let them know in advance that each of you will be sharing things you are good at, strengths you have and recent accomplishments. Provide wine if it’s slow going at first! Joking aside, make sure each of you can articulate in a strong way what you’re good at. This practice will help you ‘own it’ in real-world scenarios.
4. Create three lists in relation to your work and professional development: things to start doing, stop doing and stay the course on. Pick one each week to take action on
5. At the end of each day, review your calendar. What action do you need to take based on what happened in your day? No more than three things should make the cut, so make them worth your time and energy.
Maureen Berkner Boyt, Head Moxie
"Where business and the coolest women you know collide"
Karen Perry-Weinstat Giving Back…Getting Involved
Giving Back…Getting Involved
Karen Perry "Nonprofit Fundraising Contributor"
Mission. Message. Money. Marketing for Fundraising Events.
I am profoundly fortunate. I have been given so much both by nature and nurture. I conduct my life with this underlying belief. It colors my perceptions and guides my perspective. Make no mistake, my life is not charmed. I’ve tackled adversity in many significant ways. But I believe that it is not what happens to you that matters; it is about who you become
It is your choice to adopt this attitude. Choose to see yourself as talented, intelligent, educated, passionate and capable. Not everyone is quite so lucky. It is incumbent upon us who have been endowed with these gifts to give back and share our largesse.
Giving back comes in many forms. We must each decide whether to contribute personally, facilitate corporate donations, volunteer on the “front line,” or serve on a board or a committee. Over time and across different organizations, I have given back in all of these ways. When I connect with a mission that moves me or a group of dedicated individuals who draw me in, it is nearly impossible to say “no.”
Getting involved is key. When you commit to a cause larger than yourself, your world expands. It’s quite magical. In fact, my entire business evolved from “giving back.” Today, my company thrives because I provide a unique service that helps fundraising professionals and volunteers – a niche I only recognized due to my own experience in those roles.
The more you give and the more involved you get, the more you have. You set an example and grow in ways you never imagined. Friends who bond over doing good for others are among the closest due to the shared experience. Business relationships that evolve out of board or committee membership showcase your abilities first-hand. Your reputation grows because others see you in selfless action.
While this is happening, you are actually providing assistance, support and resources for those who are in need. Life has a way of challenging us all in different ways at different times. Give back to others and you’ll have the fortitude to come through successfully. Remember, it is not about what happens to you; it’s about who you become.
Karen Perry, President
Event Journal, Inc.
700 Hicksville Rd., Suite 104
Bethpage, NY 11714
Nancy Molloy - Crafting a Subject Line to Get Attention!
Crafting a Subject Line to Get Attention
Nancy Molloy "Workforce Contributor"
Just how important is the subject line? In fact, the subject line is the most critical part of the email since you have a single chance to get the attention of the recipient. Or not!
Each of us gets volumes of email daily, and one could easily overlook or delete an important email if the subject line does not stand out. The subject line should reveal the heart of the message. It’s that simple. If the topic is of interest or the specific message is relevant to the reader, it is likely that your email will be read.
Conversely, if you neglect to craft an appropriate subject line that gets the attention of the recipient, your email will likely end up in the trash or be labeled as spam. Following are some basic tools for writing a subject that makes it more likely that your email will be read:
Do write a subject that reflects the content of the email.
Do change the subject line in an evolving email chain. For example, if the first exchange asks for availability to schedule a meeting, the subject line might read, "Need your availability for meeting on June 21". Once the meeting is confirmed, the subject line in the follow-up email should change to reflect, "Meeting confirmed for June 21". In this way, the subject line honors the content, the purpose of the message is clear at a glance, and the email is searchable by subject line.
Do write in standard English using correct grammar since business email should be treated as a formal encounter.
Do proofread and spell-check the subject line.
Do not use unusual symbols in the subject line or the email may end up in the spam folder, never to be seen again. Did you know that exclamation marks or all capital letters in the subject line are among the top spam flags? Use at your own risk, and preferably not at all!
Utilizing these simple tools will best help you to communicate your message and ensure that the recipient reads your email.
Nancy Molloy
Complistaff, Inc.
Gayle Naftaly is Calling Smart Women to Shout Out and be Heard!

I am looking for extremely powerful and smart women who want to educate, shout out and be heard. Tips from various industries and sectors will be shared monthly, although Gayle's List goes out weekly. One paragraph is needed monthly from the area of your expertise and as a featured contributor, this will also include your photo, logo, being part of my blog and links you chose to include
Gayle's List goes out to over 6000 contacts, made up of women in business, men in business, chambers of commerce, associations, organizations, media, and politicians, not for profits, women's organizations and more. Although our majority is NY, NJ and Connecticut, many of our women's groups and organizations are in many states, including Colorado, Texas, California, Missouri, Wisconsin and beyond. We are connected to all social media platforms and Gayle's List is shared among many of our readers through their social media programs. I am not opening this up to just anyone, I am particular as to the power of the message and I want to make a difference in the world.
Do you have much to contribute? If so, you will a part of this marketing
campaign and attention will be directed to your mission..
Gayle's List goes out to over 6000 contacts, made up of women in business, men in business, chambers of commerce, associations, organizations, media, and politicians, not for profits, women's organizations and more. Although our majority is NY, NJ and Connecticut, many of our women's groups and organizations are in many states, including Colorado, Texas, California, Missouri, Wisconsin and beyond. We are connected to all social media platforms and Gayle's List is shared among many of our readers through their social media programs. I am not opening this up to just anyone, I am particular as to the power of the message and I want to make a difference in the world.
Please contact me for eligibility. If accepted for this campaign, the details are noted below:
The cost to be a featured contributor is broken down

$1500 a year = $31.25 per run
If you pay via PayPal or credit card in full up front, the fee is
discounted to $1250.00, $26.04 a run.
If you pay monthly, the $125.00 is billed at the $31.25 per
run rate.
Gayle's List is part of a broader marketing campaign as I
launch shortly. Attention will be brought to all who are
part of this program and it's an extremely cost effective way to get your
message out.
Are you extremely powerful, smart, want to educate, shout out and be heard? - I would love to hear from you!
Are you extremely powerful, smart, want to educate, shout out and be heard? - I would love to hear from you!
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