Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Maureen Berkner Boyt - Book 1 - Chapter 1 Own It, Create It – Book 1 – 5 Secrets of Women Who Have Made it to the Top
Maureen Berkner Boyt, founder of The Moxie Exchange Movement in Fort Collins, Colorado, will be sharing ideas from her books highlighting steps and systems used by successful female leaders she’s interviewed from around the country.
Maureen Berkner Boyt, Founder, " Rock Your Moxie Contributor "
1. Create a list of your strengths, abilities and successes. Keep it in a handy place in an easily updateable format. Review it and add to it quarterly.
2. Ask five people to share what they believe your professional and leadership strengths are. Do not ask your parents! You won’t believe them, because you’ll think they’re inherently biased, which they should be. If they are not, you shouldn’t want to know what they think anyway! The five should include a mix of people in your world, such as a boss/former boss, co-worker, employee or direct report, good friend and your partner. Write down their responses and add them to your own list
3. Get a group of 5-6 kick butt professional women together. Let them know in advance that each of you will be sharing things you are good at, strengths you have and recent accomplishments. Provide wine if it’s slow going at first! Joking aside, make sure each of you can articulate in a strong way what you’re good at. This practice will help you ‘own it’ in real-world scenarios.
4. Create three lists in relation to your work and professional development: things to start doing, stop doing and stay the course on. Pick one each week to take action on
5. At the end of each day, review your calendar. What action do you need to take based on what happened in your day? No more than three things should make the cut, so make them worth your time and energy.
Maureen Berkner Boyt, Head Moxie
"Where business and the coolest women you know collide"