Tereson: The Mother of the Modern Cloth Diaper
Tereson has been credited with revolutionizing the cloth diaper industry and is often referred to as "The Mother of the Modern Cloth Diaper." She founded FuzziBunz in 2000 after she came up with an award-winning formula for what a modern cloth diaper should be like. She did away with pins that poke, vinyl pants that crunch and soggy diapers that took forever to wash at home. Instead, she created a sophisticated and modern cloth diaper, now known as FuzziBunz, that was soft, easy-to-use, eliminated chemicals and diaper rash, were functional and oh-so-cute too!
Tereson holds a patent and has two patents still pending for her invention and continues to lead the cloth diapering movement through continued development of innovative products for children and moms.
Tereson: The Business Inspirer
In 2012, Tereson decided it was time to not only share her love of cloth diapers, but also her passion for business. She created TeresonDupuy.com as a platform to help other entrepreneurs learn how they can be successful in business through her lessons of perseverance, patience, pride and passion – the 4Ps that have propelled her to grow a multi-million dollar company that initially started with a $5 investment.
"TeresonDupuy.com is a resource for budding entrepreneurs who want to learn and be inspired by Tereson in entrepreneurship, leadership, advocacy and life."
Tereson not only has grown her business literally from the ground up, but also she is credited with sparking the entire modern cloth diapering movement that resulted in hundreds of cloth diaper manufactures and "wahm" or "work at home mom" retailers making and selling modern cloth diapers similar to FuzziBunz. Her vision changed the face of cloth diapers and gave many other entrepreneurs a means to start businesses and make money!
She wants to continue to help people live their dreams of entrepreneurship and hopes her efforts will inspire others
Tereson Dupuy, CEO
FuzziBunz Diapers, LLC
(337) 371-9394