Friday, March 22, 2013
Eli says -Spot the Opportunity and Look for the Green
How Do You Spot Opportunity?
A huge part of building your business or finding a great job is spotting what is a great opportunity. Why do some people seem to have great luck and others struggle? One component is the “Perceptive Filter.” You will get so much more out of this by participating instead of just reading. Here goes.
Spot the Red
Right now look around the room. Take out a piece of paper and tally up all the red you see. Got it? There was quite a bit wasn’t there. Now, spot the green. Look all over the room and tally up how many green items you see. Notice that there were green items that seemed to magically appear? They were there when you were focused on the red, you just didn’t see them.
The Point Is?
Now, you have an experience of your Perceptive Filter. There is more data around us than our brain can effectively sort. So, the brain has a “Perceptive Filter” to show you what you focus on. Red equals all the negative information of why you can’t get a job, the economy is horrible, it will be impossible for you to get into the media, etc. Green equals the great opportunities that are there for you. Think of them like the traffic lights. The red light says stop and green light calls you to go for what you want.
Do this on a daily basis and observe how you spot opportunity that seemed to be hidden.
Be sure to hold a laser focus of only looking for the green .