Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Karen Perry-Weinstat Giving Back…Getting Involved

Giving Back…Getting Involved
Karen Perry "Nonprofit Fundraising Contributor"
Mission.  Message.  Money.  Marketing for Fundraising Events.

I am profoundly fortunate.  I have been given so much both by nature and nurture.  I conduct my life with this underlying belief.  It colors my perceptions and guides my perspective.  Make no mistake, my life is not charmed.  I’ve tackled adversity in many significant ways.  But I believe that it is not what happens to you that matters; it is about who you become
It is your choice to adopt this attitude.  Choose to see yourself as talented, intelligent, educated, passionate and capable.  Not everyone is quite so lucky.  It is incumbent upon us who have been endowed with these gifts to give back and share our largesse.

Giving back comes in many forms.  We must each decide whether to contribute personally, facilitate corporate donations, volunteer on the “front line,” or serve on a board or a committee.  Over time and across different organizations, I have given back in all of these ways.  When I connect with a mission that moves me or a group of dedicated individuals who draw me in, it is nearly impossible to say “no.”
Getting involved is key.  When you commit to a cause larger than yourself, your world expands.  It’s quite magical.  In fact, my entire business evolved from “giving back.”  Today, my company thrives because I provide a unique service that helps fundraising professionals and volunteers – a niche I only recognized due to my own experience in those roles.

The more you give and the more involved you get, the more you have. You set an example and grow in ways you never imagined. Friends who bond over doing good for others are among the closest due to the shared experience.  Business relationships that evolve out of board or committee membership showcase your abilities first-hand.  Your reputation grows because others see you in selfless action.

While this is happening, you are actually providing assistance, support and resources for those who are in need. Life has a way of challenging us all in different ways at different times.  Give back to others and you’ll have the fortitude to come through successfully.  Remember, it is not about what happens to you; it’s about who you become.

Karen Perry, President
Event Journal, Inc.
700 Hicksville Rd., Suite 104
Bethpage, NY 11714