I am looking for extremely powerful and smart women who want to educate, shout out and be heard. Tips from various industries and sectors will be shared monthly, although Gayle's List goes out weekly. One paragraph is needed monthly from the area of your expertise and as a featured contributor, this will also include your photo, logo, being part of my blog and links you chose to include
Gayle's List goes out to over 6000 contacts, made up of women in business, men in business, chambers of commerce, associations, organizations, media, and politicians, not for profits, women's organizations and more. Although our majority is NY, NJ and Connecticut, many of our women's groups and organizations are in many states, including Colorado, Texas, California, Missouri, Wisconsin and beyond. We are connected to all social media platforms and Gayle's List is shared among many of our readers through their social media programs. I am not opening this up to just anyone, I am particular as to the power of the message and I want to make a difference in the world.
Do you have much to contribute? If so, you will a part of this marketing
campaign and attention will be directed to your mission..
Gayle's List goes out to over 6000 contacts, made up of women in business, men in business, chambers of commerce, associations, organizations, media, and politicians, not for profits, women's organizations and more. Although our majority is NY, NJ and Connecticut, many of our women's groups and organizations are in many states, including Colorado, Texas, California, Missouri, Wisconsin and beyond. We are connected to all social media platforms and Gayle's List is shared among many of our readers through their social media programs. I am not opening this up to just anyone, I am particular as to the power of the message and I want to make a difference in the world.
Please contact me for eligibility. If accepted for this campaign, the details are noted below:
The cost to be a featured contributor is broken down

$1500 a year = $31.25 per run
If you pay via PayPal or credit card in full up front, the fee is
discounted to $1250.00, $26.04 a run.
If you pay monthly, the $125.00 is billed at the $31.25 per
run rate.
Gayle's List is part of a broader marketing campaign as I
launch http://www.gaylenaftaly.com shortly. Attention will be brought to all who are
part of this program and it's an extremely cost effective way to get your
message out.
Are you extremely powerful, smart, want to educate, shout out and be heard? - I would love to hear from you!
Are you extremely powerful, smart, want to educate, shout out and be heard? - I would love to hear from you!