Thursday, May 30, 2013

Most unexpected events take place- What IF?

by Sharlene Jamison

Most unexpected events take place....of course when we don't expect it....

What if you are a single parent, the only source of income in your household, and your raising three young Middle School kids

Do you have a plan in place to help send them to go to college? How are you protecting your dreams, in the event there is a job loss? Will you be able to maintain your standard of living?

Are you prepared for life's WHAT IF moments?

Preparing a plan can prepare you for the possible pitfalls that may affect your entire family way of living.

Sharlene Jamison, Financial Consultant, of the Meridian Financial Company can help you navigate your future...for the WHAT IF in life.

Scenario #1

Making Financial Plans During Our Glory Days…

Barbara has high hopes for her children. Although she didn’t attend college, she dreams about sending her children to college.

She was raised in a low income neighborhood and made some poor choices based on her environment. Nevertheless, she has always been a visionary for change. She owns her home and at age 45 a top producer in sales career, earning a high six figure income.

She has been employed by her company for a number of years. Unfortunately, the company has decided to downsize, firing a few employees and Barbara a single mother of three has been selected. Even though her performance and earning are at their peak this is an unexpected event.

Financial Concerns…

Did Barbara have a backup plan?

Did she save during her high income earning years?

Did she contribute to a college saving plan for her kids?

Did Barbara have a plan for this what If moment?

The WHAT IF has taken place in her life? WHAT IF that happened to you...After all IF is the center of LIFE.

Sharlene Jamison, Financial Consultant, can help you navigate your future...for the WHAT IF in life, She offers securities through Cadaret Grant & Co, Member FINRA/SIPC, and is affiliated with The Meridian Financial Company,