Thursday, May 30, 2013

Are you practicing proper business etiquette?

by Jacqueline Lawson

Here are Five Proper Business Etiquette Tips:

1. Returning Phones Calls - Zig Zigler the motivational speaker said it best. “Isn’t it amazing on how much stuff we get done the day before vacation”. We all do the things we want to do and put off the things we do not want to do. Bottom line is this… is simply rude not to return a call. There are too many ways to make a telephone connection not to return a phone a call (Skype, Land Line, smartphone, flip phone, text message, VOIP).

2. Responding to Emails - Promptness is a must. I’m someone who gets an email and responds as soon as I am able to. I may even send a text message, just to acknowledge receipt and a timeframe of when I can respond in more detail. An excellent timeframe to respond is 12, no more than 24 hours from when you first looked at the emai

3. Respect Time - Respect your own time by being realistic in your plans for the day, week, month, and year. If you unintentionally don’t honor someone’s time, apologize profusely and work to amend the situation. When someone wants to meet or talk with you, make them give you a solid time and date. Do not allow people to pressure you to do something because they have an “emergency” or want to do something today.

4. Be One Time – It is good idea to plan your meeting time days before.  Know the travel route time, either by car or public transportation. Make sure you have gas in your car so you don’t have stop to make a purchase which takes from your travel time. Call or email the day before to confirm that the meeting is still on.  Lay out your outfit the night before, and try it on to make sure it fits!

5. Keep Promises – your reputation is your business, and your business is your reputation.  Say what you mean and mean what you say. Don’t make promises you know you can not keep. Give them what you promised what ever it is, you need to give them what they need, or there is no point in the promise.