Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wonder Woman Is A Fraud

by Maureen Berkner Boyt

1.  Learn to be an effective delegator. This means setting everyone up for success. You need to be explicit about expectations of results, timelines, and levels of decision-making authority. Know that your team may do something differently than you would have, but that the end result is what is important.

2.  Share with your team that you have set a goal to be a better delegator and create a stronger team. Ask them to call you on it when they see you acting like Wonder Woman. Add an item to your team meeting agenda where the team will quickly grade your delegation effectiveness and give you suggestions for improvement.

3.  Use the power of questions to elicit the best from your team and family. Here are some good questions to start with: What do you think we should do? What ideas do you have? What do you think the next step should be? How would you handle it?

4.  Ask for help in your personal life. You should not be the only one taking care of the house, shopping etc. If your family is unwilling or inconsistently stepping up, get a new family. Joking! Pay someone. Your time is far too valuable to spend cleaning toilets. If you’re worried about the money, ask that this be the gift you get for your birthday and the holidays.

5.  Be kind to yourself. Guilt is self-limiting. There is always going  to be someone that you think ‘has it all together’ who is bringing a 3-tiered cake to your kid’s soccer game when you brought the pre-made Rice Krispie treats. You are doing the best you can, and it is enough. You’re the only one who compares and cares.