Giving: Rx for Better Health
by Eli Davidson
“You have got to be out of your mind” was a sentence Isabella was getting used to hearing. Friend after friend rolled her eyes as she told them of her plans. Isabella was 80 years old, for God’s sake, and no amount of eye rolling was going to dissuade her. Even if her friends were moving into assisted living facilities, she was building a new home in Montecito and giving it to her favorite charity. No strings attached.
Although her friends told her that the move and overseeing the construction would be the death of her, Isabella out lived the friends that poo pooed her philanthropic adventure. She lived a happy, healthy life in her Monetico home for 10 years. Her vision, spirit and wish to remain an anonymous live on since her home is now used as a retreat center.
Volunteering is good for you. Science is beginning to discover that there are concrete physical, and emotional benefits to giving to others. Perhaps, you have a vague notion that volunteering is “good for the soul” but have little, if any, concrete evidence that philanthropy could be good for your health. In More Give to Live, Douglas Lawson cites research that shows how helping others leads to enhanced health and emotional well-being. Numerous studies report that those involved in ongoing volunteer programs have an enhanced immune system, improved cardiovascular circulation as well as better sleep patterns. Emotionally those involved in philanthropic work sense of control over one’s life and circumstances, increased ability to cope with crisis as well as stronger feelings of personal satisfaction, compassion and empathy.
The Helper’s High. You may have just had a brush with ‘Helper’s High’ yourself.
How do you feel when you finish a long run or a tough workout? Until the pain sinks in you probably feel fantastic. Strenuous exercise releases endorphins. That release creates an elated feeling known as the runners high. Have you ever left a day of working with your favorite good cause with more energy than you began with? That could be due to a similar endorphin response.
A charity in New York City recently conducted a survey of 3,300 volunteers. Many experienced feelings of euphoria while being involved in their service project. The volunteers compared the experience to the runner's high - when a person runs and exerts, but instead of feeling more stressed, one feels more relaxed and joyous.
Giving makes you feel better. It may be a key factor in living longer as well. Dr. Stephanie Brown and her colleagues at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan conducted an important study recently. Dr. Brown discovered and her team tracked 423 older couples over a 5 year period. The people who reported giving no support to others were more than twice as likely to die during the five years of the study as those who helped others. The simple act of giving to neighbors, a spouse, relative or friends gave people a 50% better chance of living longer. Her study gives clear evidence that giving is good for your health.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
What If?
What If?
by Sharlene Jamison
Most unexpected events take place....of course when we don't expect it....
Do you have a plan in place? Will you be able to maintain your standard of living?
Are you prepared for life's WHAT IF moments?
Preparing a plan can prepare you for the possible pitfalls that may affect your livelihood and, most of all, the way you enjoy living.
Sharlene Jamison, Financial Consultant, of the Meridian Financial Company can help you navigate your future...for the WHAT IF in life.
Samantha and Jerry are getting married. They have decided to start a family together. They are both in their mid 30’s with successful careers. Samantha is an executive director for her company. She earns $80,000 annually. Jerry earns 45,000 as a contractor for an electrical company. They currently reside in a city apartment.
Their decision to start a family has helped them enforce priorities regarding finances and managing risk. They have decided to protect their income so they could maintain their lifestyle in the event that life’s challenges step-in while planning for their future family.
They’ve decided to get a financial adviser to help create a financial plan to keep them on course, to fulfill their dreams and goals of preparing for their future family, and to protect their income.
Samantha and Jerry are considering raising their children in the suburbs.
Unfortunately, Samantha was terminated from her job one week prior to knowing she is pregnant. While in her third month she has been informed by her doctor to have bed rest throughout the entirety of her pregnancy due to internal complications.
The ‘What If’ has taken place in their lives.
Did the couple stay on course to protect their income for their dreams?
Did the couple purchase disability income and life insurance protection?
Did the couple follow the advice of their financial adviser?
Can they still run the course of fulfilling their personal financial dreams with this unexpected event?
The ’WHAT IF’ has taken place in the life Samantha and Jerry.
WHAT IF this happened to you...After all, IF is the center of LIFE.
Sharlene Jamison, Financial Consultant, can help you navigate your future for the WHAT IF in life, She offers securities through Cadaret Grant & Co, Member FINRA/SIPC, and is affiliated with The Meridian Financial Company,
The Meridian Financial Company
"Navigating The Future"
90 Lawrence Ave, Smithtown, NY, 11787
T-631-656-8198 - C- 917-670-5994
by Sharlene Jamison
Most unexpected events take place....of course when we don't expect it....
Do you have a plan in place? Will you be able to maintain your standard of living?
Are you prepared for life's WHAT IF moments?
Preparing a plan can prepare you for the possible pitfalls that may affect your livelihood and, most of all, the way you enjoy living.
Sharlene Jamison, Financial Consultant, of the Meridian Financial Company can help you navigate your future...for the WHAT IF in life.
Samantha and Jerry are getting married. They have decided to start a family together. They are both in their mid 30’s with successful careers. Samantha is an executive director for her company. She earns $80,000 annually. Jerry earns 45,000 as a contractor for an electrical company. They currently reside in a city apartment.
Their decision to start a family has helped them enforce priorities regarding finances and managing risk. They have decided to protect their income so they could maintain their lifestyle in the event that life’s challenges step-in while planning for their future family.
They’ve decided to get a financial adviser to help create a financial plan to keep them on course, to fulfill their dreams and goals of preparing for their future family, and to protect their income.
Samantha and Jerry are considering raising their children in the suburbs.
Unfortunately, Samantha was terminated from her job one week prior to knowing she is pregnant. While in her third month she has been informed by her doctor to have bed rest throughout the entirety of her pregnancy due to internal complications.
The ‘What If’ has taken place in their lives.
Did the couple stay on course to protect their income for their dreams?
Did the couple purchase disability income and life insurance protection?
Did the couple follow the advice of their financial adviser?
Can they still run the course of fulfilling their personal financial dreams with this unexpected event?
The ’WHAT IF’ has taken place in the life Samantha and Jerry.
WHAT IF this happened to you...After all, IF is the center of LIFE.
Sharlene Jamison, Financial Consultant, can help you navigate your future for the WHAT IF in life, She offers securities through Cadaret Grant & Co, Member FINRA/SIPC, and is affiliated with The Meridian Financial Company,
The Meridian Financial Company
"Navigating The Future"
90 Lawrence Ave, Smithtown, NY, 11787
T-631-656-8198 - C- 917-670-5994
How to Follow Up After the Interview
How to Follow Up After the Interview
Nancy Molloy, CompliStaff
The first interview with a new company went well. What to do next?
Without question, following an interview you should send an individually addressed thank you note to all whom you met. Until recently, this formal soul would have suggested a hand written note and while I continue to think this is a charming touch, I have warmed to the idea of an email note of thanks. In fact, email is perfectly agreeable.
The tone of your thank you note should be professional. The note (this is different from a letter, yes?) should be three and not more than four paragraphs.
You might begin with an expression of thanks for the time and the shared information. Perhaps there was something unique you wish to address about the meeting or, you may even add a short paragraph if with reflection, you had more to say. Did I say a short paragraph? Yes, not more than four lines, please.
May I suggest that in the last paragraph you state your level of interest and ask about next steps. You might write something such as “I continue to have an interest in xyz company and in the role we discussed. I look forward to learning about next steps.”
As a closing salutation, you might consider: Kindest regards, Best regards, With sincere thanks. And for heaven’s sake, please sign off with your full name. I might even be so bold as to include a contact phone number under my name to make contacting me easy.
Finally, please, please, please, spell check before you send.
Repeat after each round of interviews.
Please stay tuned to Gayle’s List as next month I will write about how to resign from your job and what’s up with counter offers.
Nancy Molloy
Nancy Molloy, CompliStaff
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Without question, following an interview you should send an individually addressed thank you note to all whom you met. Until recently, this formal soul would have suggested a hand written note and while I continue to think this is a charming touch, I have warmed to the idea of an email note of thanks. In fact, email is perfectly agreeable.
The tone of your thank you note should be professional. The note (this is different from a letter, yes?) should be three and not more than four paragraphs.
You might begin with an expression of thanks for the time and the shared information. Perhaps there was something unique you wish to address about the meeting or, you may even add a short paragraph if with reflection, you had more to say. Did I say a short paragraph? Yes, not more than four lines, please.
May I suggest that in the last paragraph you state your level of interest and ask about next steps. You might write something such as “I continue to have an interest in xyz company and in the role we discussed. I look forward to learning about next steps.”
As a closing salutation, you might consider: Kindest regards, Best regards, With sincere thanks. And for heaven’s sake, please sign off with your full name. I might even be so bold as to include a contact phone number under my name to make contacting me easy.
Finally, please, please, please, spell check before you send.
Repeat after each round of interviews.
Please stay tuned to Gayle’s List as next month I will write about how to resign from your job and what’s up with counter offers.
Nancy Molloy
Lessons Learned from a Brain Tumor
Lessons Learned from a Brain Tumor
by Karen Perry-Weinstat
In April 2012 I was as my desk working after having gone for an MRI due to chronic headaches I was experiencing. It was the neurologist. When he told me the test revealed that I had a large brain tumor, I laughed. My first thought was, how ridiculous! I don’t have time for this! I’d recently been through two other major ordeals. This was just too much!
by Karen Perry-Weinstat

I laughed all the way to his office the next morning for a pre-hours consultation accompanied by my husband. Two days later, after the herculean efforts and incredible connections of my sister landed me an appointment with the top neurosurgeon for that type of tumor. Two days after that, I had emergency surgery to relieve pressure in my brain due to blockage caused by the tumor. Three weeks later, I submitted to an 8 hour procedure to remove the tumor, followed by weeks of in-patient rehab and home-based physical therapy tapering to office based physical therapy.
The tumor, THANKFULLY, was benign. It wasn’t exactly the type of tumor they’d diagnosed before the surgery. My hospitalization and recovery were painful, humbling and slow. NEVER be a patient unless it’s unavoidable!
About 11 weeks post-surgery, for no apparent reason, my body stopped producing red blood cells. So anemic that I fell over, banged my head and couldn’t move, I was taken by ambulance to the ER where they literally saved my life with emergency transfusions. We think the episode was caused by surgical medication, but we were never really sure. Five days later, I was released from the hospital to resume my tumor recovery.
Now, I am not a Pollyanna kind of person. While my emotions run deep, I tend to present a formidable exterior that can be off-putting to some. From previous life challenges, I’ve already been forced to learn, grow and to toughen up. I’ve gone through many programs, workshops and seminars and have read many books to reinforce my resolve that life isn’t about what happens to you; it’s about who you are no matter what happens.
That said, from day one of the diagnosis, I tackled the problem head-on. I went to the best surgeon at the best hospital in a top city where they were experienced with complicated surgeries. I put my affairs in order and bravely donned my hospital gown and ridiculous shower-cap like headgear. I did not focus on what was beyond my control. I knew that after the surgery, it would be up to me to make the most of it, regardless what “it” was. I firmly believed that I had too much at stake to expect or accept anything other than a full recovery. Of course, I had no idea of whether or not this was reasonable. But, being reasonable is not a good strategy when facing the unknown. That type of thinking creates a smaller range of possibilities than does being unreasonable, or determined to achieve the outcome you desire. My desire was to get my life back. I love my life. I've worked hard to get wherever it is that I am. I was not willing to let that go.
My 25 year old daughter tells me that I was obnoxious in the in-patient rehab when they cheered me on for small accomplishments like putting a peg in a color-coded pegboard hole. When I made it up and down the therapeutic stairs (a set of 6 steps with a handrail and traction flooring), they applauded. I grimaced. If that was “good,” I was screwed! No, while I was pleased to note such accomplishments, they were just steps back to myself. I made it clear to the therapists that I am a high functioning, active business owner and full-tilt person. “Good” to me would be taking the NYC subway or hustling to and from meetings. I wasn’t there to rest… I asked them to challenge me and I worked very hard to master each challenge. My daughter said, “Do you think that they’ve never before had a high functioning person” in the neurological rehab unit of a major NYC hospital? I responded… “I’m sure they have. But I just want them to know that I have high expectations – for them and for me.” How else would I be sure that I got the most from the rehab experience?
My story goes on and it’s now more than a year since my diagnosis. I’m almost all the way back. I do have some permanent nerve damage and pain on my right side. This is under treatment and I live on medication that relieves it to some degree. I’d rate my recovery at a 90-95% to-date. I cannot yet do everything I could before the surgery, but I remain determined.
Throughout the year people showed up for me in the most moving of ways.
• My daughter dropped everything in her complicated life, returned to NY and attended to my every need in the hospital and later too. She is me and I am she. Our bond is resolute.
• My husband of 3+ years was by my side and a strong shoulder to lean on both around the surgery and every day for the past year plus. I am so fortunate to have found him the second time around!
• My recently widowed 80 year old father moved from PA to NY to spend nearly three months as my caregiver, meal preparer and driver while I was incapacitated. He is a unique man whose commitment to family is unparalleled.
• My sisters were there both physically and emotionally despite their busy lives. I have the best sisters a woman could have.
• My friends visited, brought food, comfort and made me laugh both initially and in the longer haul. I am moved by their loyalty.
• My staff resolved to keep our small business afloat and keep me insulated from any concerns. I am so touched and proud of them.
My list goes on to doctors, therapists, colleagues, extended family and more. I learned lessons of patience, humility, mortality, determination, loyalty, resolve, and so much more.
Through it all, however, I came through clear on who I am and how I choose to be. Believe me, I had moments when I complained, cried, was grouchy and impatient. But through it all, the unassailable “me” remained intact. That, perhaps, has been my proudest accomplishment.
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