Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Power Moves

Power Moves
by Maureen Berkner Boyt

Issue 3, bullets of Chapter 3 - Power Moves

1. Keep an accomplishments list or portfolio of your work that you can easily access to remind yourself what you are capable of.

2. If you’re in a position to hire or select vendors, understand that qualified women may not be stepping up. Seek out women you believe are qualified and ask them to consider applying or pursuing the work. Sometimes a nudge is all it takes.

3. Change your mindset from ‘already performing’ to ‘able to grow into’ when looking at potential opportunities.

4. Take requirements as suggestions. Go for that big client, pursue the promotion, ask for the stretch assignment.

5. Catch yourself when you find yourself short-­‐changing your abilities and questioning your qualifications and change your internal dialogue to, “I’m ready and I’m qualified.” If that’s not enough, think of a person you know that you are most shocked to find out has been very successful (I have a few stoners I knew in high school I think about in these situations) and remind yourself that if they can do it, you sure as hell can, too. Do the same for other women if you hear them down-­‐playing their work or abilities.